
2011 | Ji-Yoon Park, Violin

Performance Date: Oct. 15, 2011
"... the second half brought Park the musician to the stage. She put the music stand aside and spun out an account of the Chausson “Poeme” that glistened with longing." Washington Post More

2010 | Jonah Kim, Cello

Performance Date: Nov. 7, 2010
"Kim -- whose performance celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Korean Concert Society -- can do pretty much what he wants on a cello. He showed it off from the start, sitting down with a "Serenade espagnole" by the beguiling Cécile Chaminade and coquetting with it to the point of egregiousness. He flirted with the line, shaped it, wrapped it around his fingers, pulled it out in a new dimension, all with the practiced ease of someone who knows that he knows a few cool tricks, milking a slender but appealing appetizer of a piece for all it was worth." Washington Post More

2007 | Hee-Young Lim, Cello

Performance Date: Nov. 3, 2007
... Lim [...] is a deeply gifted musician with a full, singing tone, near flawless technique and a natural lyricism that infused virtually every note she played. [...] Kudos to the Korean Concert Society, which continues to find and showcase young musicians like this. The Washington Post More

2006 | Soyeon Lee, Piano

Performance Date: Sep. 9, 2006
"Throughout her Terrace Theater recital Saturday, pianist Soyeon Lee displayed a stunning command of the keyboard, from the beautifully gauged weighting of her finger strokes to the scrupulous calibration of inner voices and dynamics." The Washington Post More

2003 | Won-Jin Jo, Clarinet

Performance Date: Sep. 27, 2003
"Everything about clarinetist Won-Jin Jo's recital at the Kennedy Center's Terrace Theater on Saturday evening was remarkable: the fact that his spectacular technical facility was upstaged only by his artistic sensitivity; that the piece for solo clarinet he premiered promises to be a delightful addition to the repertoire; and that his accompanist, Noreen Cassidy-Polera, was as fine a collaborator as I've heard in years. Add to the list another fact, that cellist Patrick Jee, who joined the ensemble for the concluding Brahms Clarinet Trio, would, himself, have been worth the trip." The Washington Post More

2001 | Yung Wook Yoo, Piano

Performance Date: Sep. 21, 2001
"Yoo has a big technique that lets his imagination roam free, but what distinguished this performance from so many others is his fierce, almost reckless musicality." The Washington Post More

1993 | Sung-Won Yang, Cello

Performance Date: Sep. 25, 1993
"It took cellist Sungwon Yang a while to warm up to his program at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theater Saturday night. But once he had put Mendelssohn's 'Variations Concertantes' and Bach's Suite No. 5 for Unaccompanied Cello in C Minor behind him, Yang offered performances loaded with imagination and technical brilliance." The Washington Post More

1990 | Sangmin Park, Cello

Performance Date: Nov. 10, 1990
"No one can doubt the sincerity of his playing. Bach's Suite No. 3 for unaccompanied cello, BWV 1009, and Beethoven's Sonata in A for cello and piano, Op. 69, were sensitively controlled with excellent voicing at midregister..." The Washington Post More

1989 | Wonmi Kim, Piano

Performance Date: Sep. 23, 1989
Pianist Wonmi Kim put on an outstanding display of both artistry and technique in a performance at the Kennedy Center's Terrace Theater on Saturday under the auspices of the Korean Concert Society. Her tastes run to the big romantic repertoire, music by Schumann, Chopin, Liszt and Balakirev that she delivered with splendid articulation and a balanced poise that somehow escaped seeming careful or premeditated. The Washington Post More

1988 | Chee-Yun, Violin

Performance Date: Oct. 29, 1988
"[Chee-Yun] hit her stride with a performance of the demanding Sonata No. 2 by Charles Ives that was a tour de force." The Washington Post More

1987 | Sung-Won Yun, Wha-Jin Hong, and Yun-Jung Chang,, Piano Trio

Performance Date: Oct. 24, 1987
There was a major discovery of talent Saturday night at the Terrace Theater. Her name is Yun-Jung Chang, one of three brilliant 16-year-old performers in a concert called Young Musicians From Seoul. [...] Chang displayed finesse, musicianship and sheer dexterity far beyond her years. One hopes to hear from her in the future. [...] Violinist Sung-Won Yun's performance of the Sonata in G Major, "Devil's Trill," by Tartini was incisively played, her complete mastery of the ornaments exciting the audience. [...] [Pianist, Wha-Jin] Hong played with admirable technique and charm. The Washington Post More